Linda Pieczynski writes a number of publications including Roll Call News. Where do you get information on new legislation and recent court decisions? Do you find out about new statutes and cases long after they have been in effect? Over 100 law enforcement agencies and attorneys in Illinois get their legal information from Roll Call News, a bimonthly newsletter written for law enforcement personnel and attorneys so they have timely information and practical advice regarding laws affecting their performance.

Many departments use Roll Call News as part of their training program and in response to risk management. Choose the training option for permission to duplicate the newsletter for the number of officers you select. For the modest cost of your subscription ($70 plus a fee of $2 per officer per year), your department or firm has the right to photocopy or forward the PDF for each officer in your department. For example, if you have 20 officers in your department, your total cost would be $70 + ($2 x 20) = $110.

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