Santa Barbara is a wonderful place for a code training. I was lucky enough to be invited by the California County Building Offiicials Association to teach Legal Aspects […]
Expired building permits
One of my pet peeves are building permits that don’t have a set expiration date. Most of the building codes have their permits expire 180 days after no […]
Tough enforcement of building codes critical to prevention of damage
A recent article by an insurance group discusses how important it is to enforce tough building codes. As an example, it uses Hurricane Andrew. Insurance companies like tough […]
City tears down building without owner’s knowledge
An owner of a building in Chicago received a big shock when his building was torn down without his knowledge. He alleges in a civil lawsuit against the […]
Minnesota appeals court upholds rental inspection ordinance
A very important decision has just come down from the Court of Appeals of Minnesota involving the constitutionality of rental inspections. The case is McCaughtry v. City of […]
Facebook and code enforcement
Every time I teach I learn something. I was in Cedar Rapids at the end of last week doing a presentation at the IowACE meeting. One of the […]
Fire prevention in South Carolina
One of the true joys of teaching around the country is that I learn so much from the people I meet. My recent trip to South Carolina is […]
Tip for the day: service of notices or citations
One of the constant problems I run into with defendants is trying to make sure proper service of notices or citations occurs. Too frequently defendants refuse to accept […]
Compliance Connections website worth a visit
Yesterday when I was teaching at the Region III conference in Chasta, MN, one of the participants shared with us his experiences with Compliance Connections. It’s a website […]
Fire tragedy in high rise without sprinklers
A young woman lost her life in Chicago recently during a fire. The fire began in a unit in a high rise apartment building, the residents fled the […]