Recently I was interviewed by MSN Real Estate for an article on working without a permit. The article just appeared online entitled “When Homeowners Go Rogue”. It’s a […]
Code enforcement and cannabis
Santa Barbara is a wonderful place for a code training. I was lucky enough to be invited by the California County Building Offiicials Association to teach Legal Aspects […]
Expired building permits
One of my pet peeves are building permits that don’t have a set expiration date. Most of the building codes have their permits expire 180 days after no […]
Tough enforcement of building codes critical to prevention of damage
A recent article by an insurance group discusses how important it is to enforce tough building codes. As an example, it uses Hurricane Andrew. Insurance companies like tough […]
City tears down building without owner’s knowledge
An owner of a building in Chicago received a big shock when his building was torn down without his knowledge. He alleges in a civil lawsuit against the […]
Washington’s Building Code not preempted by federal conservation act
When someone uses the defense of preemption, it means that a law is not valid because federal law does not allow states or local governments to regulate an […]
Minnesota appeals court upholds rental inspection ordinance
A very important decision has just come down from the Court of Appeals of Minnesota involving the constitutionality of rental inspections. The case is McCaughtry v. City of […]
Politics and the foreclosure crisis
One of the biggest problems facing local governments these days is finding the resources to maintain vacant properties. These homes are empty because of the foreclosure crisis and […]
Facebook and code enforcement
Every time I teach I learn something. I was in Cedar Rapids at the end of last week doing a presentation at the IowACE meeting. One of the […]
Fire prevention in South Carolina
One of the true joys of teaching around the country is that I learn so much from the people I meet. My recent trip to South Carolina is […]