Tip for the day: service of notices or citations

One of the constant problems I run into with defendants is trying to make sure proper service of notices or citations occurs.  Too frequently defendants refuse to accept these documents making it more difficult to obtain enforcement.  When I teach Legal Aspects and discuss this issue, I suggest a few crafty options.  For example, you do not have to put your return address on the outside of the envelope making it obvious the papers are coming from your jurisdiction.  I’ve had inspectors who have sent envelopes with balloons imprinted on them with the heading, “Prize Headquarters”.  One inspector I know collects greeting card envelopes in which  to send notices.  When I taught at Region III recently I discussed the various ways to serve these uncooperative individuals including amending the code to include service by private carrier (doesn’t everyone sign for FedEx or UPS?)  Some of the women in my class went home and took my suggestions even further.  They sent the notice in a box with items (like free pens, pads of paper and magnets) to further entice the defendant to accept service.  And, it worked! Thanks to the folks in IA for this tip of the day.

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