Women in Code Enforcement

My friends at the Women in Code Enforcement and Development ICC group have their new website up and running.  You can find it at www.wicedicc.org  The group is dedicated to providing mentoring, advocacy and education for women in the profession.  It is the first national ICC chapter and was formed in 2007.  It’s an honor being a colleague of these very dedicated women.

3 thoughts on “Women in Code Enforcement

  1. This is a welcome site! I am employed with the City of Brainerd (MN) and have worked for the Dept of Building Safety since 2000. I earned an ICC Permit Technician certification in 2008. Due to our geographic location, education resources and support are somewhat limited. I am interested in locating the best resource for ICC endorsed webinars for my scope of work. I am also considering a Women in Code Enforcement ICC membership. Any information or recommendations you could provide for continuing education resources related to code administration would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  2. @Laurie M. Johnson
    I wish there were more seminars for people who live in areas like yours. I would suggest you encourage ICC to do more webinars and publicize them so you can get the training you need. The women who are in the ICC group are very supportive of each other and I think you’d find it valuable to join the group.

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