Landlords Prevent Damage by College Students Through Alcohol Use Prevention Program

Landlords are often concerned about damage to their properties by tenants, especially in college towns.  Inspectors don’t care who caused the damage, just that repairs be made.  Bill Kronstedt, a housing inspector for the City of Brainerd, Minnesota sent along information to me about a program landlords are requiring their future tenants college who are in college to attend as a condition of renting a dwelling.  It’s UChoose offered by St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The program is described as:

U-Choose is an educational based campus prevention effort that focuses on the reduction of high risk
alcohol use. The program utilizes empirically based theories and approaches specifically designed for
college students.

It’s very farsighted on the part of the landlords to implement something like this before there’s trouble  and I thank Bill for passing it on.

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