January is the time of year when I try to clean up my office at work and at home. Sometimes I come across documents that I haven’t used and referred to in 7 years and they get tossed. However, once in awhile I find something I forgot I had. This time, while cleaning up some training files, I found my copy of “Keeping Illegal Activity Out of Rental Property: A Police Guide for Establishing Landlord Training Programs” by the U.S. Department of Justice. It’s the publication used by most crime free housing programs and is available free of charge at www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/bja/148656.pdf
If you’re involved in these landlord training programs or thinking about starting one, this is a great resource to have. It has a lot of useful information and I used it as my handout when I taught the legal aspects section for Carol Stream’s Apartment Community Enhancement program. Even if you don’t have the program, it has great ideas to share with landlords whether you’re an inspector or a police officer.
Excellent tip and a great free resource for anyone that’s invested in rental property! We’ll make this available to users of our website and associate it with articles addressing some of the things that property manager and landlords can do to keep crime at bay. Will also suggest this to some of the Columbus, Ohio area CDC (Community Development) leaders.
Thanks, Dave. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.