Overcrowding and the foreclosure crisis

I’ve been wondering for awhile when we’d begin seeing overcrowding issues crop up because of people losing their homes and moving in with relatives and friends.  The Chicago Tribune has a good article at http://www.chicagotribune.com/classified/realestate/ct-met-overcrowded-housing-0328-20100327,0,476974.story With 3 and 4 families in space meant for 1, we’re bound to see some tragic results. Given the economic situation in this country, are local jurisdictions looking the other way in some cases?

2 thoughts on “Overcrowding and the foreclosure crisis

  1. We have only seen a couple of extra cases so far and all but one has been limited to multi-family housing units. I too have been suprised that there have not been more reported cases of over occupancy.

  2. I think that local Villages and towns would not be suprised with more overcrowding due to foreclosures. I think the question is with all the reduction of staff in local government or in some cases what if your building department and code enforcement departments are replaced by TPI or B& F Technical – or whatever private company – are those companies going to want to involve themselves in such issues? I know the town I live in has always had overcrowding issues and the Village has dealt with it for years but with reduced staff I know they cannot keep up with it. Lots of rooms for rent. The towns with rental inspections at least have a chance to do yearly inspections. I wonder if the neighbors who know of the overcrowding are more compassionate with the economy being bad and just not making the calls? Good Article and thanks for sharing it Linda.

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