National Property Preservation Conference to be held in Washington D.C.

Once again, Kelly Anbach, a whiz on the internet and inspector in Hinsdale, IL, has found something of interest that I’d like to share.  There is a conference in Washington D.C., the National Property Preservation Conference 2009, put on by the mortgage service industry.  It’s being held November 4 – 6, 2009.  Representatives of the mortgage industry, local government and the federal government are attending.  Here is the link It looks like it will cover many of the issue we are all concerned about.

One thought on “National Property Preservation Conference to be held in Washington D.C.

  1. As a newer player in this industry it has not been easy! But in my opinion it is really the only way to make steady money in real estate. I also think that this is the tip of the iceburg. The foreclosures are going to do nothing but increase. The commercial is going to be the next victim.
    Although we want to be busier, in just a few short months we have gone from no customers to a few customers who give us repeat business. Not great yet, but it seems to get better each month.
    These national conferences seem to be better suited for the larger national PP companies like Safeguard Properties.
    We are just a couple of guys that have hit on something that we are beginning to make money at.
    See what we have done in just a few short months!
    Joe Sherman
    Forever Florida One

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