Webinar on Managing Distressed Properties for Code Officials

I spent the morning at the ICC offices in Country Club Hills filming a webinar on foreclosure issues for code officials called “Managing Distressed Properties for Code Officials”.  So far, it looks like it will be broadcast May 12, August 7, September 28, October 14, December 8.  This webinar will be one of the trainings offered to Chapters as a benefit. I was pretty happy that I came within about 2 minutes of the time given to me for the content since I’d never taught this class before.   I’m covering foreclosure procedure, how to search property records for ownership, using the I-Codes for enforcement, condemnation, administrative search warrants, dealing with servicing companies and identifying responsible parties.  I’ll be available to answer questions on the days of the broadcasts in the middle and at the end. I discuss special problems in different regions like burst pipes in cold temperatures that lead to mold and swimming pools in warmer climates that become West Nile breeding grounds. I hope you get a chance to see it on the web.  Here’s the link for more information: http://www.iccsafe.org/government/chapters/eTrainingWebinars.html

Mold after pipes burst in vacant house
Mold after pipes burst in vacant house

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